Eden Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) have secured a full closure order for a troubled property in Penrith following a previous partial closure last month.
Police continued to receive reports of anti-social behaviour at the address in Castlegate and, as a result, a man in his fifties has been charged with breaching the original closure order and cannabis possession. He is due to appear before Magistrates court on 29 October.
Eden NPT submitted a further application requesting a full closure at the property which was granted yesterday ( 17 October) by Magistrates Courts, meaning nobody, including the tenant, can be inside the property for three months.
Anyone (other than police and the landlord) found at the address can be arrested for a breach of the closure order.
Sergeant Phil Hall of Eden NPT said "Despite a partial closure being granted on 15th September, the tenant showed a complete disregard for the order and continued to commit acts of ASB and also permitted a breach of the order.
“Penrith Town Community Beat Officer, PC Stew Green, has worked tirelessly in gathering the evidence required to secure this full closure order and I am pleased this was granted by the courts yesterday.
“Eden NPT will not accept ASB, disorder or intimidation of neighbours.
“We will continue to work with partner agencies in The Local Focus Hub to hold people to account and to support victims of such incidents.”
Cumbria Police has a dedicated operation targeting anti-social behaviour and serious violence - Operation Enhance.
Operation Enhance is funded after Cumbria’s Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner secured an additional £1m of extra funding from the Government’s Hotspot Response Fund to target anti-social behaviour (ASB) and serious violence in hotspot areas across the county.