Meteor Shower and Northern Lights to Light Up Night Skies Again Tonight

Perseid Meteor Shower and Northern Lights to Light Up Night Skies Again Tonight.

A display of celestial fireworks is expected to light up the night skies as the Earth passes through a cloud of cometary dust, producing up to 100 meteors every hour.

Astronomers forecast that there will be 100’s of shooting stars during the Perseid meteor shower, the best of which is expected to reach its peak tonight (12th August) from 10pm.

The event is associated with the dusty debris left by Comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the sun once every 133 years.

At the same time, space weather forecasters are again forcasting that parts of the North of the UK could again see the Northernlights that were visable on Sunday Nights visable again tonight, following three plumes of plasma fired out by the Sun on Thursday, hitting the Earth’s magnetic field.

With clear skies making viewing conditions locally ideal for viewing the meteor shower and the norther lights.

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