The outline application will go before the committee after the application was called-in by a Member of the Council on the grounds that the proposal for 5 houses is over development.
The application is also before the committee after the Town Council disagreed with planning officers who said the site in a previously refused application was outside of Penrith contrary to the view of the Planning Policy Team that say the site is outside of Penrith in the countryside where unrestricted market housing would not be supported.
Although the Town Council believes that this area does not lie outside the town of Penrith and that it is suitable for infill, it believes that the application for 5 dwellings constitutes over development of the site which would not be in keeping with the character of the area as Beacon Edge becomes progressively less dense as you move along with large low density housing.
Westmorland and Furness and Penrith Town Councillor Mark Rudhall called in the application to go before the planning committee saying “I would like to object to the proposed development and I would like this to go to a committee decision and not delegated to officers. I think the previous application was objected to as it was felt that the area lies outside of the town of Penrith. However, this application is now for 5 properties, and I feel this is an over development of the site.”
Twelve letters objecting to the plans were received by Westmorland and Furness Council one said “Is there a need for more executive homes given those already built by other house builders in Penrith.” Another said “There have been no new buildings between Nandana and Roundthorn Lane for 50 years, apart from Mulberry Gardens which was a brown field site.”
Others raised concerns at the scale of development and that if approved, it could open up more development on Beacon Edge.
The one letter of support submitted said “Feel like this development will have a positive impact on the area. The field seems bare and abnormal in this location. A perfect location for luxury houses overlooking the amazing part of the world we live in.”
Council planning officers will recommend refusal of the application on the grounds that the proposal would “result in an inappropriately sited residential development in a location outside of a settlement which would erode the distinctive rural character of the area and the proposal does not show a clear understanding of the form and character of the district’s built and natural environment and would neither complement nor enhance the area.”